David Harvey talks about his latest book “Rebel Cities – The urbanization of Class Struggle”
45 min video plus Q&A
Given the strong relationship between urbanization and capital accumulation, and the consequent urban roots of both past and present fiscal crises, it follows that the city is a key arena within which class forces clash. The sharpening of these clashes transforms movements for the right to the city into urban uprisings and revolutionary movements. This then poses the key question of how to mobilize and organize a whole city around a movement for revolutionary change.
David Harvey is Distinguished Professor and Director of the Center for Place, Culture and Politics at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. His most recent books include A Companion to Marx’s Capital; The Enigma of Capital (Deutscher Prize, 2010); and Rebel Cities: From the Right to the City to the Urban Revolution.
Speaker(s): Professor David Harvey
Recorded on 10 May 2012 in Old Theatre, Old Building.