Eine Session zum Thema Ungleichheit in lateinamerikanischen Städten im Rahmen des International Congress of Americanists in Wien, nächste Woche.
18.07.2012 | 08:00 – 13:30
18.07.2012 | 17:30 – 19:30
University of Vienna
Dr.-Karl-Lueger-Ring 1 – renamed “Universitätsring”
1010 Vienna
Latin American cities have historically been unequal cities. However, in recent years there have been produced a series of urban change – as the growth of cities and urban poverty, the shifting of rururban boundaries , the emergence of new ethnical, gender and cultural inequalities, t he internal and external migration, the growing multiculturalism and multi-ethnicity, etc. – that led the discussions and reflections on the struggles, conditions, practices and ways of life in urban centers to be increasingly complex.
This symposium aims to contribute to the debate about these topics. There are welcome proposals that analyses the ways in which social inequalities are constructed and expressed from territorial- urban configurations as well as from the territorial and symbolic boundaries and barriers. Thus, the symposium aims to complicate the understanding of the ways in which exclusion occurs and the conditions of life in different Latin American cities.
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