Urban Marginality and the State – Conference Videos

Videos of last month’s conference in Paris on “Urban Marginality and the State” are available via the link below.

Opening keynote by Loïc Wacquant

Speakers included: Loïc Wacquant, Fulong Wu, Tom Slater a.o.

Here’s the link: http://www.advancedurbanmarginality.net/urban-marginality-and-the-state.html

Ethnographies of urban marginality

Javier Auyero – The state of the poor

Kate Swanson – From the streets of Guayaquil to the streets of New York: the ironies of “zero tolerance” policing in the Americas


Franck Poupeau – All along the (reflexive) watchtower: from “global ethnography” to multi-level analysis

Urban marginality in comparative and historical perspective

Eduardo Marques – Latin American metropolises in comparative and historical perspective

Fulong Wu – Marginalization in urban China: the role of the state

Urban marginality, welfare regimes and penal policies

Sonia Arbaci – (Ethnic) residential segregation in European cities: are welfare regimes making a difference?

Robert Fairbanks – The Illinois prisoner re-entry imperative: reform or redistribution?

Susan Parnell – The key elements to constructing an urban welfare agenda in the Global South

Marginal zones and the state

Tom Slater – “Welfare ghettos”? The neighbourhood effects basis of punitive welfare reforms in the UK

Janos Ladanyi – Urban and rural ghettos in Hungary


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